About Us

     Our story:  We're lifelong residents of Terre Haute.  We love our hometown. Traveling is great, but you always long to be home.  And Terre Haute definitely feels like home, even for those not native to Terre Haute.
    Terre Haute has an amazing history.  We don't celebrate it enough.  Terre Haute should embrace it's history, the good and the bad, the salacious and the modest, the real and the imagined.  Each of us is a product of our hometown.  And literally everyone's hometown has amazing history, which unfortunately is often forgotten.  We want to help Hautians, and our surrounding communities, be proud and celebrate where they're from.  Let us help you tell your hometown's history!

     Local schools:  We've participated in and attended enough school sporting and extracurricular activities to understand the importance to the students and the community.  High school sports are often a community event.  The students, staff and parents bleed <insert school colors>.

     The spark:  We're not unlike everyone else.  You think of something funny and think "That would make a great t-shirt."  You attend a sporting event and think "I can design a better shirt than that."  You read about local history and wonder "Why do I not own a shirt with that on it?!"

     So, with no business experience, no marketing experience, no <insert essential business skills>, we decided "That sounds like a great idea!"  And did we mention no budget?  So here we are. Muddling through every day with website design, graphic design, business accounting, IT, social media... all because Terre Haute is HOME. :)
